Workforce Development in Northwest Ohio
We recognize workforce development is one of the most important issues facing the entire country
In response to the needs of area businesses, the Regional Growth Partnership began working with Toledo MSA stakeholders to strategize and begin implementation of a collaborative workforce development strategy for our region. The RGP brought together Fulton, Lucas, Ottawa and Wood county workforce authorities, economic development practitioners and the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce to address head-on the No. 1 priority for businesses.
A strong committed workforce is Northwest Ohio’s greatest asset
Our skilled workers have proven competitive advantages in automotive, advanced manufacturing, life sciences and polymers. In addition, workers here are able to adapt in new industries. We boast of an abundance of technically skilled engineers, machinists and tool and die specialists.
We also recognize workforce development is one of the most important issues facing the entire country. In response to the needs of area businesses, the Regional Growth Partnership began working with Toledo MSA stakeholders to strategize and begin implementation of a collaborative workforce development strategy for our region. The RGP brought together Fulton, Lucas, Ottawa and Wood county workforce authorities, economic development practitioners and the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce to address head-on the No. 1 priority for businesses.
The Initiative has identified a promising funding source, and more importantly, all members have bought in to a path forward through the Results-Based-Accountability process. In working closely with the various regional coalitions in the RGP footprint, the Initiative will establish an efficient and effective regional workforce development system to lead forward to the resulting new economy.
The Initiative has identified a promising funding source, and more importantly, all members have bought in to a path forward through a data-driven process. In working closely with the various regional coalitions in the RGP footprint, the Initiative will establish an efficient and effective regional workforce development system to lead forward to the resulting new economy.
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