Key Assets

Natural Resources

Toledo/Northwest Ohio lies adjacent to the Great Lakes, providing the world’s largest supply of fresh water

Value Supply Chain

Northwest Ohio offers a strong supply chain from growers, producers and distributors to manufacturing equipment and service providers

Research & Innovation

CIFT is a nationally recognized company providing technical innovations & solutions to the food processing/agribusiness sectors

Site & Building Inventory

Northwest Ohio is home to dozens of sites ready for immediate development and numerous recently constructed spec buildings

That’s why some of the biggest names in the food processing industry, including Campbell’s, have established vibrant production facilities right here in Northwest Ohio.

Check out these numbers by companies in Northwest Ohio’s food processing industry over just the last five years:


Capital Investment


New Jobs

“We have a really dedicated team – they care and they work extremely hard. And that’s what sets Northwest Ohio apart because it has an agricultural fabric that exists that says ‘I’m not afraid of hard work."

— Steve Dandurand, President & CEO, Ballreich’s Snack Food Company

Stay Current on Food Processing in Northwest Ohio


Key Contact

Portrait of Gary Thompson

Gary Thompson

Executive V.P.
Business Development
(419) 304-9585