Out of the Gates

The Regional Growth Partnership’s annual meeting offers us the opportunity to recognize the previous year’s successes across Northwest Ohio as well as to look ahead at new initiatives and possibilities to further elevate the region.

That’s certainly the case again this year. We celebrate the new jobs and investment created by businesses across the 17-county region. And we celebrate in collaboration with our economic development partners in Northwest Ohio – all of them critical to our regional accomplishments.

Moving ahead, the RGP will continue focusing on our core industries – those where we have a competitive advantage – and we confidently anticipate ongoing success.

Into 2024 and beyond, we will enhance our areas of focus on some new initiatives designed to elevate our competitiveness in the global economic development arena. We will be continue implementing aggressive strategies to attract white-collar businesses and knowledge-based workers.

Our plan is to position this region where we enthusiastically embrace these new initiatives, build on our current professional ecosystem, and draw these targeted businesses to Northwest Ohio.

Capitalizing on our inherent assets and striving toward these new opportunities will help drive our strategic efforts to discover and realize even greater success.


RGP 2023 Metrics

The Winning Numbers

The Regional Growth Partnership is the lead economic development organization representing 17 counties in Northwest Ohio. As a 100% privately funded corporation, the RGP is committed to attracting new investment, new business and new high-quality jobs to the region.

Those efforts are accomplished through:

  • Proactive outreach and engagement with companies and site consultants
  • Aggressive lead generation marketing programs
  • Effective Business Retention & Expansion Program
  • Targeted efforts to drive workforce development


The RGP also serves as Northwest Ohio’s Regional Network Partner for JobsOhio to facilitate economic development efforts as well as manage the incentive process.

In collaboration with our local, regional and state economic development partners, the RGP reports the following results across Northwest Ohio for 2023:


New Jobs


Retained Jobs


Capital Investment



Overview | Metric Breakdown

Looking Deeper

Inside the Numbers | Advanced Manufacturing

This is How It’s Made

While Northwest Ohio continues its strategic efforts in diversifying the industry base within the regional economy, we certainly acknowledge and appreciate the foundation advanced manufacturing has here. We built a prosperous economy around our ability to make things better than anyone. And that won’t change. An abundance of talent, passion and work ethic have helped Northwest Ohio remain one of the most robust environments for advanced manufacturing. Just over the past three years, new and existing businesses across the 17-county region have created more than 6,500 new jobs and invested nearly $3 billion into their operations.

2023 Results:


New Jobs


Capital Investment

Raising Our Game

  • Toledo region named #5 Manufacturing Hub in U.S.
  • Lowest taxes in Midwest for Capital-Intensive Manufacturing
  • Ohio has third largest manufacturing workforce in U.S.
  • 400 manufacturing companies operating in Northwest Ohio
Inside the Numbers | Advanced Manufacturing

This is How It’s Made

While Northwest Ohio continues its strategic efforts in diversifying the industry base within the regional economy, we certainly acknowledge and appreciate the foundation advanced manufacturing has here. We built a prosperous economy around our ability to make better than anyone. And that won’t change. An abundance of talent, passion and work ethic have helped Northwest Ohio remain one of the most robust environments for advanced manufacturing. Just over the past three years, new and existing businesses across the 17-county region have created more than 6,500 new jobs and invested nearly $3 billion into their operations.

2023 Results:


New Jobs


Capital Investment

Raising Our Game

  • Toledo region named #5 Manufacturing Hub in U.S.
  • Lowest taxes in Midwest for Capital-Intensive Manufacturing
  • Ohio has third largest manufacturing workforce in U.S.
  • 400 manufacturing companies operating in Northwest Ohio

“When you sit down and think about our workforce, the history and passion these folks have, to ever consider moving such a process from Ada and Northwest Ohio, it doesn’t make any sense.”

— Andy Wentling, Plant Manager, Wilson Sporting Goods

Advanced Manufacturing Spotlight

Wilson Sporting Goods

Wilson is a leading manufacturer of high-performance sports equipment, apparel, footwear, and accessories. The Ada facility has been operating in Northwest Ohio since 1955 and is the sole supplier of footballs to the NFL. In order to continue meeting demand, the company had the option of either upgrading the local facility or moving operations to another location. Because of the workforce’s long-term, successful performance at the Ada facility, along with its reliability and loyalty, it became an easy decision for Wilson to make the expansion in Northwest Ohio.

Project Highlights:
  • 30 new jobs
  • $9 Million capital investment
  • New 80,000 SF facility
  • Key Partners: Hardin County, Regional Growth Partnership, JobsOhio

Inside the Numbers | Food Processing

Eating it Up

Northwest Ohio’s deep agricultural heritage combined with a comprehensive infrastructure including talent, logistics and innovative resources, has propelled this region into a leading location nationwide for food processing and agribusiness. More than 300 food processing companies operate in Northwest Ohio employing 16,000 people. Over the past three years, businesses have invested more than $1.3 billion into operations while creating more than 1,600 new jobs.

2023 Results:


New Jobs


Capital Investment

Eating it Up

  • Ohio offers lowest tax rate in Midwest for food/ag industry
  • NW Ohio home to world’s largest soup factory and U.S. largest ketchup plant
  • NW Ohio adjacent to Great Lakes providing world’s largest supply of fresh water
  • CIFT leading provider of business solutions, tech expertise and food incubator
Inside the Numbers | Food Processing

Eating it Up

Northwest Ohio’s deep agricultural heritage combined with a comprehensive infrastructure including talent, logistics and innovative resources, has propelled this region into a leading location nationwide for food processing and agribusiness. More than 300 food processing companies operate in Northwest Ohio employing 16,000 people. Over the past three years, businesses have invested more than $1.3 billion into operations while creating more than 1,600 new jobs.

2023 Results:


New Jobs


Capital Investment

Eating it Up

  • Ohio offers lowest tax rate in Midwest for food/ag industry
  • NW Ohio home to world’s largest soup factory and U.S. largest ketchup plant
  • NW Ohio adjacent to Great Lakes providing world’s largest supply of fresh water
  • CIFT leading provider of business solutions, tech expertise and food incubator

“We are very excited about the economic growth opportunity of a new production line in our Toledo facility. However, we know that we cannot succeed without a strong and committed workforce. The RGP, JobsOhio and the city of Toledo have been exceptional in helping us meet that goal.”

— Trina Bediako, CEO, New Horizons Baking

Food Processing Spotlight

New Horizons Baking

A leading manufacturer of English muffins and soft sandwich buns, New Horizons Baking announced plans to add a second muffin line at its Toledo facility to meet enhanced customer demand. The company cited its quality workforce as a key factor in its decision to expand in Toledo in what was a competitive site location decision. This marks the second expansion at the Toledo facility in the last seven years, demonstrating the company’s commitment and faith in local operations.

Project Highlights:
  • 45 new jobs
  • $13 million capital investment
  • 20,000 square foot cold storage addition
  • Key Partners: City of Toledo, RGP, JobsOhio

Business Development & Marketing | Metrics


The Regional Growth Partnership’s business development team leads the regional effort to attract new business and investment to Northwest Ohio. The team has implemented a strategic, aggressive approach in targeting its key audiences, which include site consultants and C-level executives within industries of strength.

Business development’s sales activities use various methods and techniques to create multiple touch points and engagements with key contacts. The team also understands the imperative need to meet face-to-face. In 2023, the RGP traveled across the country, taking 14 trips, visiting 10 different states to meet with consultants and corporate executives at strategic conferences.

The RGP team’s domestic travels in 2023 included:

Business Development & Marketing | Metrics


The Regional Growth Partnership’s business development team leads the regional effort to attract new business and investment to Northwest Ohio. The team has implemented a strategic, aggressive approach in targeting its key audiences, which include site consultants and C-level executives within industries of strength.

Business development’s sales activities use various methods and techniques to create multiple touch points and engagements with key contacts. The team also understands the imperative need to meet face-to-face. In 2023, the RGP traveled across the country, taking 14 trips, visiting 10 different states to meet with consultants and corporate executives at strategic conferences.

The RGP team’s domestic travels in 2023 included:

Bus Dev Backs it Up

These aggressive efforts helped the RGP generate the following metrics:


Leads Generated


Project Opportunities

Bus Dev Backs it Up


Leads Generated


Project Opportunities

Business Development & Marketing | Automotive Symposiums

EV Charging Northwest Ohio

In its continuing efforts to communicate evolvement within the dynamic Electric and Autonomous Vehicle market, the Regional Growth Partnership continued hosting Transportation Technology Symposiums in 2023 for suppliers and other companies tied to the automotive industry.

The downtown Toledo event attracted more than 100 people representing industry manufacturers, suppliers, consultants and business development professionals.

“Our primary goals for the Symposium were to provide understanding of new industry trends, raise awareness of new opportunities in the EV supply chain, and to inform auto and mobility companies of advancements in Northwest Ohio,” said Gary Thompson, executive vice president at the RGP.

Many positive outcomes have already evolved, including:
  • New project opportunities for Northwest Ohio
  • Enhanced awareness for local companies
  • The showcasing of developing technologies within the region

Presenters at the Symposiums have included such big names as American Center for Mobility, GM, IBM and Motor Equipment Manufacturers Association.

The automotive supply chain focused on electric vehicle production in Ohio is increasing. Evolving consumer demands have fueled the industry’s change, including the ongoing angst from fluctuating gasoline prices and the desire to lower carbon footprints and vehicle emissions.

With its inherent strengths and technical know-how, the Toledo/Northwest Ohio region, centered near the heart of the automotive world, has positioned itself as a leading location, bringing forth the assets businesses need to succeed in the EV industry.

Northwest Ohio EV Ecosystem

Business Development & Marketing | Large Sites Initiative

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Site

Available sites that can accommodate large-scale development are of utmost importance and JobsOhio is working with the RGP to identify and prepare the region for success in this area.

The Regional Growth Partnership’s business development team continues working with local communities to identify and ultimately develop the right sites in the right locations for such large projects, particularly those projects geared toward technology and advanced manufacturing prospects.

Developing these sites, where companies demand additional space and ready infrastructure, will help the region become more competitive for those industry projects.

Business Development & Marketing | International

Spanning the Globe

The Regional Growth Partnership has taken a lead role for Northwest Ohio in developing new international investment and trade opportunities. With excellent research and educational facilities, multiple funding sources, every form of transportation, lower operating costs and a strong experienced workforce, the Toledo/Northwest Ohio region has become a premier location for international investment.

Global Metrics:
  • 6 Sales Trips, including Germany, Italy, Brazill and Japan
  • 36 leads
  • 918 new jobs
  • $850 million investment
  • 4 attraction wins from companies representing Netherlands, India, Korea and Canada

Business Development & Marketing | International

A Thankful Promotion

The Regional Growth Partnership was a proud recipient of the Certificate of Appreciation for Export Promotion by the U.S. Commercial Service, part of the U.S Department of Commerce/International Trade Administration. The award was presented during the reopening ceremony of the U.S. Commercial Service Office in Toledo.

The U.S. Commercial Service is comprised of the trade experts at the U.S. embassies and consulates around the world who help U.S. companies export via various programs such as distributor/customer searches in the country of interest. The reopening of the Toledo office not only will benefit exports from the Toledo region, but it is also a great recognition of the vibrancy of the Toledo market.  Last year only Toledo and one other location in the U.S. were chosen to have new or reopened offices.

The Director of the Toledo office, Yuki Fujiyama, said the RGP has taken a lead role for Northwest Ohio in developing new international investment and trade opportunities for the past 27 years.

Business Development & Marketing | Digital Advertising

Digitally Speaking

Since unveiling digital advertising as a new initiative in 2022, the program immediately began paying huge dividends. Digital advertising is an enhanced lead generation tool which also elevates our goal of brand awareness. This strategy allows us to expand beyond our current customer reach … we’re getting in front of people who didn’t know we exist. In addition, we’re still able to target a specific audience and we’re able to reach that audience quicker in an extremely cost-effective manner.

The RGP ran three digital advertising campaigns in 2023:

Sites & Buildings

Investor Attraction

JobsOhio Small Business Grant

358,453 impressions2,602 clicks27 leads

30,113 impressions700 clicks61 leads

4,477 impressions97 clicks12 leads

Business Development & Marketing | Digital Advertising

Digitally Speaking

Since unveiling digital advertising as a new initiative in 2022, the program immediately began paying huge dividends. Digital advertising is an enhanced lead generation tool which also elevates our goal of brand awareness. This strategy allows us to expand beyond our current customer reach … we’re getting in front of people who didn’t know we exist. In addition, we’re still able to target a specific audience and we’re able to reach that audience quicker in an extremely cost-effective manner.

The RGP ran three digital advertising campaigns in 2023:

Sites & Buildings

358,453 impressions2,602 clicks27 leads

Investor Attraction

30,113 impressions700 clicks61 leads

JobsOhio Small Business Grant

4,477 impressions97 clicks12 leads

Business Development & Marketing | Social Media

A Social Breakthrough

In 2023, the Regional Growth Partnership saw significant growth on our social media platforms. Our robust content marketing and social media strategy led to the creation of engaging content, a surge in new followers, active audience engagement, and the launch of our Facebook page. This expansion enhances the RGP’s online presence, driving increased traffic to our website. Social media enables the RGP to showcase successful projects, foster connections, and raise awareness of real-time events and compelling content spotlighting Northwest Ohio.

The Power of Social

  • LinkedIn was the 3rd highest source for site traffic, trailing only direct visits and organic Google searches
  • LinkedIn gained 971 new followers in 2023, a 26% increase
  • LinkedIn saw a 47% increase in average post engagement rate compared to 2022
  • Implemented a Facebook Page to an engaged audience with an overall average engagement rate of 7.34%, far surpassing the industry’s median benchmark of 0.08%
  • Drove more than 12,000 clicks to website from LinkedIn, Facebook and X
Business Development & Marketing | Site Marketing

A Site to be Seen

A cornerstone of the RGP’s marketing efforts over the years has been promoting the top sites across Northwest Ohio. The region has taken aggressive steps in building an inventory of shovel-ready and authenticated sites as well as spec buildings.

In marketing the sites, the RGP shoots drone video and then designs an email which includes photos, a map and key attributes of each respective site. In addition, the site marketing is also incorporated into the RGP’s digital advertising initiative. The target audience for this campaign is national site consultants.

For more information on the RGP’s top sites and buildings, visit rgp.org/sites-buildings

Business Development & Marketing | Video & Drone

A Story to Tell

Our Marketing process begins by determining the purpose of proposed programs, followed by identifying goals, strategies, audiences and messaging. Once we have that, we develop content to help tell the story. And that point cannot be emphasized enough. Battling in a competitive industry, we are fighting to get our messages through to our target audiences, fighting through the noise of our competition. It’s imperative we have the right content – valuable, newsworthy, creative, engaging – content that’s going to get our target audience to respond, take action, answer and engage.

The RGP has been as aggressive as any economic development organization in developing compelling video stories which help tell the story about Northwest Ohio. We’ve invested much time and resources into video and drone, and the results are demonstrated by the high user engagement rate.

Sites & Buildings

Building Blocks

The sites team at the Regional Growth Partnership works with communities, economic development practitioners, and the public and private sectors in identifying, and preparing sites for development. The RGP understands the significance of site development in order to remain competitive in attracting new investment. To put forth the best product portfolio, the RGP and its partners focus on getting sites ready for immediate development, building an inventory of spec buildings, and ensuring existing buildings are suitable for occupancy.

Searching for the Right Site - RGP 2023 Data Points

  • 103 site searches for companies and consultants
  • 388 site submissions
  • 35 site visits
Sites & Buildings

A Spec in Time

The Ohio Site Inventory Program (OSIP) was established to create inventory within the state that has not being organically developed by the market. The primary goal of OSIP is to fill gaps in Ohio’s real estate inventory with real estate targeting near-term sector wins to ensure our state is more competitive for reactive site selection projects.

In an effort to effectively utilize the OSIP program, the RGP has worked with the region’s LEDOs, developers and likely program participants to understand the level of awareness, interest and build the project pipeline.

Sites & Buildings

Spec Building Development In Northwest Ohio

16 Spec Buildings completed and occupied

Planned/Available Spec Building space

1.8 million square feet1,692 new jobs

1.2 million square feet

Sites & Buildings

Ready, Set, Build

The SiteOhio program goes beyond the common certified sites process. SiteOhio is a unique model where we vet commercial properties, business parks, and industrial sites throughout Ohio to make sure they are construction ready on day one. SiteOhio puts properties through a comprehensive analysis and guarantees that all utilities are to the property with adequate capacity, that due diligence studies have been completed, and that all state and federal entities have provided concurrence with the studies.

The RGP’s Northwest Ohio region has four existing Authenticated Sites through previous waves of the program. Nearly a dozen sites in the region are being considered in this next phase.

Become an Investor Today


Investors & Supporters


Privately Funded

  • Investors help drive Northwest Ohio’s economic development strategy
  • Investors are afforded greater opportunities for engagement in business development activity

For more information about supporting economic development in Northwest Ohio, contact:

Tom Hamway




Privately Funded

  • Investors help drive Northwest Ohio’s economic development strategy
  • Investors are afforded greater opportunities for engagement in business development activity

For more information about supporting economic development in Northwest Ohio, contact:

Tom Hamway

Become an Investor Today

RGP Investors & Supporters

A.A. Boos & Sons, Inc.NAI Harmon Group
AEP OhioNational Electrical Contractors Association
Associated General Contractors of Northwest OhioNooter Toledo
Bank of AmericaNORED
Block Communications, Inc.North Coast Gas Transmission
Bowling Green State UniversityNorth Star Bluescope Steel LLC
Cenovus Toledo RefiningNSG/Pilkington North America, Inc.
Charter CommunicationsOhio Logistics, Ltd.
Clark Schaefer HackettOhio Northern University
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.Ohio's Electric Cooperatives
CliftonLarsonAllenOwens Community College
Columbia GasOwens Corning
Comfort Line Ltd.Palmer Energy Company
Crown Battery Manufacturing CompanyPatriot Rail Company
CT Consultants, Inc.PBF Toledo Refining Company LLC
Dana Holding CorporationPenta Career Center
Directions Credit Union, Inc.Plante Moran
DT MidstreamPNC Bank
Eastman & Smith, LtdPolaris Logistics Group
EnbridgePremier Bank
E.S. Wagner Co.ProMedica Health System, Inc.
Fifth Third Bank of Northwestern Ohio, NARehmann
First SolarReichle l Klein Group
FirstEnergy/Toledo EdisonRudolph Libbe Group
Foundation Steel, LLCSavage and Associates, Inc.
GBQ PartnersShumaker, Loop & Kendrick
Greater Toledo Community Foundation, Inc.Signature Bank, National Association
Gulfstream DevelopmentSSOE Group
HartSuperior Credit Union
Hylant Group, Inc.The Andersons, Inc.
Industrial Power Systems, Inc.The Huntington National Bank
Integrated Talent StrategiesThe JDI Group
International Brotherhood of Electrical WorkersThe Lathrop Company Inc
InvoltaThread Marketing
JobsOhioToledo Mud Hens
Keller Logistics Group, Inc.Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce
KeyBankToledo-Lucas County Port Authority
Kokosing IndustrialTricounty Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Libbey Inc.UAW, Local 12
Lourdes UniversityUniversity of Toledo
Mannik & Smith GroupVan Wert Business Council
Marshall & Melhorn, LLCVorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
Mechanical Contractors Association of NW OhioWaterford Bank NA
Medical Mutual Of OhioWest Erie Realty
Mercy Health System - Northern RegionWilcox Financial Group, Inc. - EPIC Chair
Miller Diversified, Inc.William Vaughan Company
Morgan StanleyWood County Port Authority
Mosser Construction, Inc.
  • AEP
  • Andersons
  • Associated General Contractors
  • Block Communications
  • Bowling Green State University
  • BP America
  • Charter Communications
  • Clark Schaefer Hackett
  • Cliffs
  • Columbia Gas
  • Crown Battery
  • Dana
  • Defiance College
  • The Delventhal Company
  • Digital 55
  • Directions Credit Union
  • DT Midstream
  • Eastman & Smith
  • Fifth Third Bank
  • First Solar
  • GBQ
  • Gilmore, Jasion & Mahler
  • Gulfstream
  • HART
  • Huntington Bank
  • Hylant Insurance
  • IPS
  • JDI
  • Keller Logistics
  • Key Bank
  • Kokosing Industrial
  • Libbey Glass LLC
  • Lourdes University
  • Toledo Lucas County Port Authority
  • Magna International
  • Mannik & Smith Group
  • Marshall Melhorn
  • Medical Mutual of Ohio
  • Mercy Health Partners
  • Miller Diversified
  • Mosser Construction
  • NAI Harmon
  • NECA
  • North Star Bluescope Steel
  • North Coast Gas Trasnmission
  • NSG
  • Ohio's Electric Cooperatives
  • Ohio Logisitcs
  • Owens Community College
  • Owens Corning
  • Penta Career Center
  • Pioneer Lines
  • Plante Moran
  • Plastic Technologies, Inc.
  • PNC Bank
  • Poggemeyer Design
  • Polaris Logistics
  • Premier Bank
  • ProMedica
  • Rehmann
  • Reichle Klein Group
  • Nooter Toledo
  • Rudolph Libbe Group
  • Shumaker
  • Signature Bank
  • SSOE
  • TTL Associates
  • Toledo Edison/First Energy
  • Toledo Refining Company
  • University Of Toledo
  • Vestian Global Workplace Solutions
  • VORYS, Sater, Seymour & Pease
  • Waterford Bank
  • William Vaughan

RGP Staff

Dean Monske

President and CEO

Meg Adams

Business Development Manager

Morgan Bowers

Research Analyst

Bill Burkett

Senior Project Manager

Matt Davis

Vice President, Real Estate

Chase Eikenbary

Vice President of Project Management

John Gibney

Chief Marketing Officer

Tom Hamway

RGP Foundation President

Patrice James

Vice President, Marketing & Research

Colleen McCray

Administrative Program Coordinator

Sarah Perrigo

Real Estate Coordinator

Jessica Sattler

Senior Project Manager

Kevin Schuster

Manager of Information Technology

Jeff Sprague

Regional Talent Manager

Karin Stever

Administrative Assistant

Gary Thompson

Executive Vice President - COO

Tim Wisnewski

Chief Financial Officer

Jim Wyse

Director of Strategic Networks

Paul Zito

Vice President, International Development
(419) 252-2700 Ext. 304

Contact Us

If you have a question or comment please complete the form below.


Contact Info

Regional Growth Partnership
Two Maritime Plaza
Toledo, OH 43604
Phone: 419-252-2700